Patrick Murphy

If you are having problems opening or downloading these web data links, just copy them and paste in a separate window.

THRN2017.pdf (1M) - This has annual climate diagrams for Boulder from 1893 to 2017.  It includes the monthly temperature and precipitation and the calculated Thornthwaite potential evapotranspiration.   - This has annual precipitation summary for Boulder from 1893 to 2022. 

Boulder Temperature  - This has annual mean monthly temperature summary for Boulder from 1897 to 2022. 

The source for these climate data is


TWINSPAN (182 Kb) - This Link will take you to the source for the revised versions of TWINSPAN and DECORANA by Jari Oksanen.

TWINWGTH.XLS (19 Kb) - This Excel spread sheet is used to correct weighting problems in the TWINSPAN classification program.


PMThesisz.PDF (7.2M lower resolution file) - Murphy, P.H.  1982.   The Forest Vegetation of the Lost Creek Area in the Southern Front Range, Colorado.   Masters Thesis, University of Colorado. - You will need the free Adobe Reader V.6 or higher.

PMThesisx.PDF (19.0M higher resolution file) - Murphy, P.H.  1982.   The Forest Vegetation of the Lost Creek Area in the Southern Front Range, Colorado.   Masters Thesis, University of Colorado.- You will need the free Adobe Reader V.6 or higher.


Odasz&T&M.PDF (4 M) - Odasz-Albrigtsen, A.M., Tømmervik, H., Murphy, P.H.  2000. Decreased photosynthetic efficiency in plant species exposed to multiple airborne pollutants along the Russian-Norwegian border. Canadian Journal of Botany 78:1021-1033.


-Eldorado Fire at Walker Ranch - Vegetation Reestablishment Monitoring - Boulder County, Colorado - 2002.   Funded by Boulder County Small Grants 2002 Program.  (Complete Report Adobe .pdf 15 Mb)

- Prairie Dogs
    Revegetation experiment with native species in an active prairie dog town.  Funded by Boulder County Small Grants 2000 Program. Adobe Acrobat .pdf file (Complete Report 3.8 Mb
    Second Year Monitoring Report - Includes seedling density and species composition. Funded by Boulder County Small Grants 2001 Program. (Complete Report 5.9 Mb)

- Boulder City Open Space Forest Understory Classification and Ordination - 1997.
    Adobe Acrobat .pdf file (580 Kb)


  Definition of Ecotone - a transition zone between two ecological communities usually exhibiting competition between organisms common to both.  In terms of biological communities, these "in between" areas are typically the most productive and diverse zones on the landscape.